Realty Excellence

 …a team of excellent caring Realtors helping you buy or sell your home.

Generous Giving

…donating $1,000+ to disaster & hunger relief thru Send Relief or NAMB & IMB.

No Extra Cost

…only pay typical Realtor cost with no additional fees or mark-ups.

Help support people in need when you buy or sell your next home.

Realty Excellence

Generous Giving

No Extra Cost

Help support people in need when you buy or sell your next home.

Realty Excellence

A team of excellent caring Realtors helping you buy or sell your next home.

Generous Giving

Donating $1,000+ to disaster and hunger relief thru Send Relief or to NAMB or IMB. 

No Extra Cost

Only pay typical Realtor costs with no additional fees or mark-ups.

The Process of Making a Difference

Through a No-Cost-To-You process donation helping those in need. 


Make an Impact

Choose to buy or sell your home with Mark’s Outreach Realty program and a $1,000+ donation will be sent to the charitable outreach you’ve selected.


Reach Out to Us

Contact Mark with Outreach Realty to express your interest to make a compassionate difference through your next home transaction.


Choose Where to Donate

Select how and where you want the $1,000+ donation to be used. Choose from one of our vetted charity organizations to be blessed.


Realtors of Compassion 

Choose Mark and his team of compassionate Realtors who understand your needs and share your commitment to serving others.


Buy or Sell Your Home

Complete your transaction knowing that $1,000+ (no cost to you) will go toward supporting those in need through an Outreach Realty donation.

Uganda missionary with children

Generous Giving

Mark’s Outreach Realty supports people in need by donating $1,000+ to your choice of vetted charities with no extra cost to you!

Getting your house sold through Outreach Realty

When Selling

When you sell a home using Mark or one of his Outreach Realty team Realtors, your charity will receive his $1,000+ donation.

Buy a home with Outreach Realty

When Buying

Use Mark and his Realtor team and Outreach Realty will donate $1,000+ to your preferred charity when you buy your next home.

NAMB Send Relief Disaster Relief
Outreach Realty supports Send Relief

The Send Relief organization provides national and international humanitarian disaster and hunger relief. 

Street evangelism and church planting.
North American Mission Board logo

The North American Mission Board is the SBC solution to church planting, evangelism and human trafficking in North America. 

Missionary baptizing in African river.
International Mission Board Logo

The International Mission Board is the world’s largest training and sending organization of Christian missionaries.

Compassionate Giving
Through Realtor Excellence

Serving clients through caring professional Realtor services.  

Mark & Jan served the IMB missionaries for 5 years in 18 countries before starting Outreach Realty.  See our former Mission Housing ministry.

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Outreach Realty

(804) 800-2627